The highest organ of EUSAS e.V. is the General Meeting (GM). Every two years, the General Meeting elects the chairman, the members of the Executive Committee (EC) and the auditors for a period of two years (for details see Art. 8 of the constitution).
The Chairman Prof. Dr. Andreas Czylwik represents EUSAS e.V., the Vice Chairman Dr. Peter Stahl is accompanying the chairman and is also representing EUSAS e.V. The Secretary Prof. Dr. Ingolf Willms manages the EUSAS finances, the EUSAS publicity and the EUSAS secretariat in Duisburg which again takes care of the EUSAS e.V. website, the publication of the EUSAS Newsletters, the publication of the EUSAS Journal, the administration concerning the EUSAS e.V. members and the organisation of EC meetings and General Meetings.
The work of EUSAS e.V. is organised and controlled by the Executive Committee. It is composed of the chairman of EUSAS e.V. and at least seven more members. The EC has regular meetings, in general every three to four months.
In particular, the Executive Committee (EC) is responsible for:
- The planning of activities of the society,
- The elaboration of the working programme and the search for possibilities for new workshops
or conferences, - Approving applications for membership,
- The appointment of working groups for activities within the society as e.g. preparation of
workshops and special events, - The appointment of the secretary,
- The approval of publications.
A group of Special Officers aids in the work of the EC. Special officers for the following areas have been set up.
- Public relations
- Co-operation with EURALARM, CEA and other European organisations
- Preparation of trend reports
- Acquisition of new members